Meet the Owner

Hey Beautiful!!
Welcome! Hope you're enjoying the site! I am Katrina, but you can call me Trina. I'm not just a wife and mother of four boys.. I'm also a proud pet parent to two fur babies and the creative mind behind LEWA Candle Company.
My journey into candle making started a few years back when I realized I'd gotten so caught up in the roles of being a wife and mom that I'd forgotten to just be Trina. It was a wake-up call, prompting me to explore my passions. So, I went a little Amazon crazy, buying all sorts of crafting supplies from glass to clay to graphic design tools. That's when I stumbled upon candle making.
Starting this company was a pivotal moment for me. I wanted the name to hold meaning, and that's how I landed on LEWA, which means 'beautiful'. To me, it encapsulates the essence of womanhood and the various stages of life we go through. Each with its own struggles and beauty. I envisioned LEWA Candle Company as a celebration of women, motherhood, and the journey of self-discovery.
I understand the challenges that come with being a mother and a woman trying to balance it all..feeling inadequate, comparing ourselves to others, and struggling to find that elusive work-life balance. That's why I want my candles to serve as a reminder to pause, show ourselves some grace, and indulge in a moment of self-love. We wear so many hats and often forget to take care of ourselves in the process.
Choosing cleaner, natural ingredients for LEWA was another important step for me. I believe that self-love also means caring for yourself and paying attention to what you put in and on your body. This is why each of our products is crafted with carefully chosen ingredients that reflect this commitment to well-being.
The 'Beauty Within' Collection, my first candle line, is deeply personal. It was born from a time when I found myself comparing my life and appearance to others, especially through the lens of social media. I realized that true beauty transcends filters and flawless appearances. It's about accepting ourselves, flaws and all, and working on becoming the best versions of ourselves.
When you light a LEWA candle, I want it to be a celebration of you, a reminder of the beauty within you. Because self-love is not just important, it's empowering. So, here's to loving yourself and embracing your unique journey. And I hope you continue to be a part of this journey with me!